The Bookmarks feature allows you to place bookmarks throughout the program as you browse. Just like regular bookmarks, they let you quickly go back to a position you've saved earlier. When you get to a place you'd like to come back to later, choose Set Bookmark from the Tool menu. This sets your current screen as a bookmark. When you'd like to return to this screen, choose Browse Bookmarks, also in the Tool menu. This will display a list of all the set bookmarks. Select one of the bookmarks and it will take you to that screen. You can access the bookmarks using the keyboard. The numbers one through zero on the keyboard correspond to bookmarks one through ten. To set a bookmark, simply press a number and that screen will be stored in that bookmark place. Be careful though, if a bookmark already exists in the slot you've chosen, it will be overwritten with the new entry. To return to that screen you can use the key and the number of the bookmark.